Homepage Ziegler Engineering GmbH
Frost protection in industrial operation

Stable process temperature and frost protection in industrial operation

Production standstills lead to process problems and considerable financial losses. These production standstills can occur, for example, when the temperatures of process liquids fall below the defined value which causes their viscosity to change, leading to crystallisation or condensation.

Fault-free operation through electrical trace heating systems

Maximum productivity thanks to reliable trace heating systems

Heat loss can still be an issue for insulated pipes. Electrical trace heating systems help keep temperatures stable to ensure a fault-free operation without breakdowns or dips in quality. These systems are indispensable for the following applications:

  • Asphalt, fuel oil and waxes

  • Hydraulic liquids

  • Temperature-sensitive chemicals, acids and polymers

  • Biodiesel, greases, plant oils, chocolate or syrup

To ensure the perfect function of a trace heating system, the right design and choice of suitable products from our range is crucial. We are happy to support you with any questions you have about your system.

Planning and implementing electrical trace heating

Electrical trace heating – planning and implementation with ZIEGLER ENGINEERING

With electrical trace heating by ZIEGLER ENGINEERING, we offer our customers throughout the industry and production sector reliable systems that can even be configured for extreme conditions and hazardous areas. Our experts develop the perfect solution tailored to your application to ensure more energy efficiency, maximum productivity and a high level of safety. We provide support from the very first consultation, right through project planning and implementation, all the way to the commissioning, monitoring and maintenance of your trace heating system.

global kontakt projekt

Trace heating systems – an all-round project service

As trace heating specialists, we support you throughout the entire process: from project planning and documentation to installation and commissioning, right through to maintenance and servicing of your system. With our profound knowledge and vast experience, we’re the perfect partner for industrial companies when it comes to tailored and sustainable trace heating solutions.

We provide support for your project

Get in touch with our team of experts

ZIEGLER ENGINEERING is your partner when it comes to electrical trace heating. We offer a wide range of products, vast experience and sound expert knowledge.

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